Wairau Housing Blenheim

Wairau Housing Blenheim 1 Reset Urban 2024

Reset provided specialist urban design and landscape architectural services for Wairau Housing Development in Blenheim. The development for Hāpai Development Property Limited Partnership sought resource consent to subdivide and develop a 4.4966 hectare urban residential zoned property at 46 and 48 Hospital Road, Blenheim.

The proposed development will yield 94 residential allotments and a central open space/community park reserve. It has been carefully configured to create a variation of residential lot sizes and to be sympathetic to the surrounding environment. A range of tenures are proposed to service the needs of a wider housing demographic, including iwi / whānau, first home buyers, parties seeking progressive ownership, and affordable build to renters.

As an Iwi led project with strong drivers for meeting iwi, whānau and community affordable housing needs, the proposal is expected to positively contribute to the future social, cultural and economic wellbeing of the Marlborough region and other areas of New Zealand through flow on effects.

Reset undertook the site master planning, yield studies, urban design assessment, landscape design and landscape and visual effects assessment.

Wairau Housing Blenheim 2 Reset Urban 2024
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Practice Tikanga

At Reset Urban Design, we offer a broad scope of services within the specialist areas of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture. We also actively engage in research and have contributed two published books on the history of design in New Zealand.
