Glen Eden Town Centre, Auckland

Auckland Council
2012 - 2018
Public Realm
Glen Eden Background
Glen Eden Objectives

Ensuring continued future development and prosperity.

Glen Eden is an important town centre in West Auckland undergoing a new phase of public and private development and upgrade to the public rail network.

Reset was engaged by Auckland Council to provide an implementation report that will be used to guide the structuring of public spaces, the location of streetscape works and furnishings. An integrated urban design assessment and character report were also undertaken to provide the appropriate information to direct future development. Cost estimates and staging priorities on specific projects were also identified as a part of this work. Illustrations of possible built outcomes were also provided for communication and engagement purposes.

Services Concept Design, Public Consultation, Masterplan and Staging Report

Glen Eden Character Plan Transit
Glen Eden Transit Precinct Framework
Glen Eden Town Centre Precinct Framework
Glen Eden Urban Design Guidelines
Glen Eden Town Centre Images
Glen Eden Urban Design Guidelines 2