Ōpaheke Park

GYP Properties
2022 - Present
Public Realm
Opaheke Park 1 Reset Urban 2023

A concept design for the enhancement of Opaheke Park has been developed in association with Auckland Council and the Papakura Local Board. The plan involves creating a range of passive and active features, including walking/running tracks and associated fitness stations, play areas, boardwalks, gardens and meadow areas etc. The enhancements will also benefit the residential development.

The park is a key component in the flood control of the surrounding area, and has been designed to capture and hold rainwater in heavy storm events preventing flooding.

Services Landscape Architecture, Construction Documentation, Construction Observation/QA

Team Maven

Opaheke Park 5 Reset Urban 2023 ISSUE
Opaheke Park 6 Reset Urban 2024
Opaheke Park 7 Reset Urban 2024