South Auckland Parks – Hingaia Park and Ray Fausett Reserve
Auckland Council
2016 - 2017
Public Realm

Reset was engaged by Auckland Council to develop masterplan concepts for two parks in South Auckland -Hignaia Park in Papakura and Ray Fausett Reserve in Pukekohe. When fully built, Hignaia Park will provide over 4ha of public open space in an area experiencing rapid residential growth. Because of its size, the park will be built in stages with the first stage establishing the park, pedestrian access, vehicle access and parking, stormwater, basic play facilities and landscaping. The second stage of the park’s development will include more pedestrian paths, a secondary car park and active sports facilities including playing courts and a cycle pump track. Ultimately more than $2million will be spent over four years on the park ahead of its completion in 2023.
Ray Fausett Reserve will be a new 1-hectare community park located between existing and future residential areas and the existing Jutland Road Park and Helvetia Road Esplanade Reserve on the western edge of Pukekohe. The masterplan proposed three stages of development with Stages 1 and 2 providing new play areas, a shelter/gathering space, picnic tables, a basketball half court, bike/scooter tracks, seating, and amenity planting on the western edge of the site. The final phase will see passive amenities built with an extended circulation pathway, open grassed areas, and native planting around new storm retention ponds.
Services Site Analysis, Concept Masterplan Development