Cardrona Community 2050 Vision

Mt Cardrona Station 1 Reset Urban 2024

At end of July Mt Cardrona Station opens, this will bring an estimated additional 400 people living in Cardrona.

In 2023 Reset was engaged by the Cardrona Valley Ratepayers and Residents association to work with the community to provide guidance to QLDC Parks for the development of community reserve spaces.

Over a series of ten workshops with local residents, including iwi, the Upper Clutha Tracks Trust, and roading engineers Stantec, a vision for 2050 by the community for the community was provided back to the Council. This vision was to enable future decision making around what the community needs were for these spaces.

The masterplan stitches together the expanding Cardrona village along the valley to incorporate the new Mt Cardrona Station residential development and extend walking and cycling routes.

And now thanks to the vision plan, what was an old disused waste water treatment station at the southern end of the village has received reserve status. The community is very excited to have this new open space confirmed by Council and look forward to progressing these concepts into reality for their village. The plan is an important step towards creating reserve spaces which provide a safe vibrant active place where people feel they can gather, value, and have access to the warm welcoming community of Cardrona.

Mt Cardrona Station 2 Reset Urban 2024
Mt Cardrona Station 3 Reset Urban 2024
Mt Cardrona Station 4 Reset Urban 2024
Mt Cardrona Station 5 Reset Urban 2024
Mt Cardrona Station 6 Reset Urban 2024
Mt Cardrona Station 7 Reset Urban 2024
Mt Cardrona Station 8 Reset Urban 2024
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Practice Tikanga

At Reset Urban Design, we offer a broad scope of services within the specialist areas of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture. We also actively engage in research and have contributed two published books on the history of design in New Zealand.
