The Strand, Takapuna

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Reset were engaged by HND TS Ltd to provide specialist landscape architectural services and undertake the resource consent design and documentation as well as provide a Landscape and Visual Effects Assessment for ‘The Strand’ development in Takapuna. The development seeks to implement four mixed-use residential apartment buildings with associated ground floor retail on a large block of land in central Takapuna. Reset worked closely with the project team including Leuschke Group Architects, Cambell Brown and Ian Munro to develop a high-quality well-designed development suitable for the prominent site location.

The proposed development responds logically to the site’s context and will positively contribute to the quality of the street as well as the urban built form character. The buildings are appropriately activated and will maintain the urban amenity values of the streetscape. A series of spaces are provided across the development including communal rooftop courtyards, a series of public laneways, a large central courtyard, and enhanced public realm interfaces. The buildings have been appropriately modulated so as to mitigate potential urban design and visual effects related to their bulk, mass and scale. The apartment materiality is consistent among all four towers, with the form of the towers being the key visual difference. The selected materials of curved, textured, and patterned pre-cast concrete panels, brick veneer, prefinished aluminium, timber columns, and glass façade are consistent with the beachside environment

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Practice Tikanga

At Reset Urban Design, we offer a broad scope of services within the specialist areas of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture. We also actively engage in research and have contributed two published books on the history of design in New Zealand.
