Waiuku Town Centre, Waiuku
Auckland Council & Auckland Transport
2010 - 2013
Public Realm

On the southern edge of the Manukau Harbour the township of Waiuku sits at the terminus of the historic portage route to the Waikato River, connecting the central north island with the Manukau and beyond.
Reset worked with Auckland Council on a number of strategic fronts within the town centre. The redevelopment of the main street and the town square has reconfigured traffic circulation through the town centre to create a larger civic space.
The River Lane project has readdressed the uppermost reaches of the Manukau harbour and what was a busy port area. This project stage integrated with stormwater works, featured a new 'keyhole' weir to restore a water body and included stub piers that step out over gabion-retaining walls.
A series of pou whenua or wharf piles act as a structural element, tying together both sides of the river edge.
Services Design Team Lead, Landscape Architecture, Urban Design, Construction Documentation, Construction Observation/QA
Team Aurecon, Projenz, Modus, Dallow Boss, JFC
Awards 2010 Auckland Regional Council and New Zealand Contractors Federation Environmental Award
2013 New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architects (NZILA) Award of Distinction
"The transformation of the river to result in an attractive esplanade space has been achieved well and sets a pattern for the remainder of the degraded river". — 2013 NZILA Award Citation